Ric Edelman (Live from Ascent)

This week on Standard Deviations with Dr. Daniel Crosby, Dr. Crosby speaks with Ric Edelman. Ric Edelman is the founder of Edelman Financial Services (later, Edelman Financial Engines), the author of several personal finance books, and the host of a weekly personal finance talk radio show called The Ric Edelman Show. Edelman was also the host of the public television show, The Truth About Money with Ric Edelman. In July 2001, Edelman's book Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth appeared at #1 in the paperback "Advice, How-to and Miscellaneous" category of the New York Times Best Seller list. Barron's ranked Edelman the #1 Independent Financial Advisor in the United States in 2012. In 2019, Barron's added Edelman to its Financial Advisors Hall of Fame.

Tune in to hear:

- Ric Edelman started off as a reporter - does Ric think that an advisor could start “Edelman 2.0", so to speak, using the same formula with education at the forefront?

- Why might it be wise to “narrowcast” rather than broadcast?

- What are two or three actionable steps that American investors can take now?

- Why does Ric think that Blockchain technology is one of the top four inventions in the history of commerce?

- How does one strike a balance between being enthusiastic about Blockchain technologies while not falling into a camp of blind adoration or misinformed distrust?

- In addition to behavioral facets, what other conditions would Ric look for to determine the suitability of crypto for a client?

- Might crypto and the blockchain be able to help us overcome historical wealth inequality issues?


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