Dr. Daniel Crosby - Emotions and Money: If You Can’t Beat It, Join It Daniel CrosbyOctober 17, 2024goals based investing, save more tomorrow, somatic markers, emotional regulation, money and emotion, investor emotion, Investor emotion, how to invest, investing 101, risk tolerance, affect heuristic, cognitive biases, cognitive bias, BeFi, Behavioral Finance, behavioral science, applied behavioral science, the soul of wealth, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, tulip mania, the .com bubble, Dr. Daniel Crosby, Standard Deviations Podcast
Dr. Sonya Lutter - Money and Happiness Daniel CrosbyMarch 24, 2022financial podcast, finance and personality, money script, money and ethics, money traditions, money stories, money story, Dr. Sonya Lutter, Sonya Lutter, Dr. Daniel Crosby, Standard Deviations podcast, standard deviations, Angie Herbers, KSU, Kansas State University, The Behavioral Investor, financial wellness, financial concerns for women, Finding a financial advisor, finding your purpose, investing, investor, Stock Market, investor emotion, Investor Behavior, women investor, investor psychology, women investors, Emotional Intelligence, Investor emotion, behavioral IQ, behavior change, behavioral coaching, BeFi, behavioral finance, Fintech, Fintwit
Dr. Mary Bell Carlson - The Lessons of Financial Therapy Daniel CrosbyDecember 9, 2021Dr. Mary Bell Carlson, Chief Financial Mom, behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, investor emotion, empathy, empathetic, empath, active listening, listening, body language, reading body language, espionage, spy, spying, spys, corporate espionage, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, standard deviations, How to invest, Stock Market, Investor emotion
Emilie Hill - “The Market is Uncertainty Distilled” Daniel CrosbyNovember 18, 2021creative destruction, existentialism, existential philosophy, wellness, existentialist, active investing, active management, passive investing, passive management, active vs. passive, loss aversion, uncertainty in the markets, market uncertainty, passive portfolios, active portfolios, women and investing, women in investment, women and investment, women and finance, financial concerns for women, volatility, volatile markets, market volatility, market history, market cycles, active vs. passive investing, financial wellness, financial training, financial trainer, financial podcast, financial literature, behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, history of behavioral economics, behavioral coaching, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, yahoo finance
Dr. Julie Ragatz - Empathy and the History of Behavioral Economics Daniel CrosbyNovember 11, 2021economics, behavioral economics, economist, economists, economic history, the history of economics, market history, history of behavioral economics, economy, the economy, Dr. Julie Ragatz, Dr. Daniel Crosby, Daniel Crosby, Standard Deviations podcast, The Behavioral Investor, The Laws of Wealth, psychology, How to invest, investor emotion, investing, investment, stock marke, investor psychology, Investor emotion
Penny Phillips - The Power of Practice Management for Financial Advisors Daniel CrosbyOctober 14, 2021psychographics, succesion planning, succession, behavioral training, financial trainer, psychographic, psychographic insight, behavioral trainier, training, practice management, top financial advisors, financial training, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, Stock Market, how to invest, investor emotion
Dr. Steve Wendel - Designing for Behavior Change Daniel CrosbyOctober 7, 2021behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, spirituality, spiritualism, spiritual, spiritual practice, dr. stephen wendel, dr. steve wendel, steve wendel, morningstar, religion, religiosity, behavior change, science of behavior, science of motivation, behavioral science, cognitive biases, cognitive bias
Phillip Toews (Live from Ascent) Daniel CrosbySeptember 23, 2021market bubble, market bubbles, bear market, bear markets, prepping for a bear market, preparing for a bear market, financial planning, the toews corporation, phillip toews, behavioral investing, behavioral coaching, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion
Gagan Biyani - Lessons from a Lifelong Entrepreneur Daniel CrosbySeptember 9, 2021entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, tips for entrepreneurs, starting your own business, starting a business, online education, online communities, remote learning, zoom, udemy, maven, gagan biyani, sprig, dr. biyani, dr. daniel crosby, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion
Dr. Sarah Newcomb - Reprogramming Your Money Story Daniel CrosbySeptember 2, 2021money scripts, money and religion, finances and religion, money and ethics, money and morality, investment and morality, ethical investing, bible and money, money is the root of all evil, money traditions, money fables, the possession self link, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion
Eben Burr - Creating a Client Plan Daniel CrosbyAugust 26, 2021behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, DIY Investing, Investment, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion
Jordan Hutchison - Flow States in Finance Daniel CrosbyAugust 19, 2021science of motivation, motivation, motivating behavior, flow state, flow states, flow, flowing, reaching a flow state, achieving a flow state, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion
Charlotte Blank - The Science of Motivation Daniel CrosbyAugust 12, 2021behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, behaviorism, motivation, the science of motivation, motivation techniques, motivation strategies, motivating behavior, motivational psychology, b.f. skinner, randomized clinical trial, RCT, behavior, chief behavioral officer, motivation in the workplace
Dr. Preston Cherry - Unique Financial Considerations for Unique Personalities Daniel CrosbyJuly 8, 2021behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, Preston Cherry, concurrentfp, big 5, The Big 5, Big 5 personality test, big 5 personality traits
Jeff Kreisler - Dollars and Sense: The Psychology of Money Daniel CrosbyJuly 1, 2021behavioral finance, behavioral investing, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, behavioral science, standup comedy, standup, dollars and sense, jeff kreisler
Colin Lancaster - Fed Policy and its Implications Daniel CrosbyJune 10, 2021how to invest, investor emotion, stock market, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock market, psychology of investing, investor psychology, investment, investing, The Behavioral Investor, The Laws of Wealth, Dr. Daniel Crosby, Daniel Crosby, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, The Fed, The Federal Reserve, national debt, debt, income inequality, debt clock, fed policy, fed policies, interest rates, raising interest rates, lowering interest rates, hedge funds, hedge fund, hedge fund manager, hedge fund macro trader, colin lancaster, quantitative easing, central banks
Michael Falk - Emotional Intelligence as Investment Alpha Daniel CrosbyJune 1, 2021Michael Falk, EQ, Emotional Intelligence, Investment Alpha, Finding Alpha, Alpha, Seeking Alpha, Empath, empathy, empathic, IQ, measuring EQ, personality test, personality testing, psychology of teams, psychology of investing, finding your purpose, a purpose driven life, quant, quant analysis, quant analyst, quantitative analysis, empirical research, Empiricism, Humanism, investment models, psychological safety, cognitive biases, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, Standard Deviations Podcast, stock market, how to invest, investor emotion
Jamie Hopkins - How to Think About Retiring Daniel CrosbyMay 13, 2021social security, social security problem, the social security crisis, the social security problem, retirement, fire, financial independence retire early, early retirement, retiring early, retirement planning, retirement strategies, retirement goals, saving for retirement, planning retirement, retirement approaches, behavioral finance, behavioral investing, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, stock market, How to invest, investor emotion
Jean-Michel Pailhon - The Case for Crypto Daniel CrosbyFebruary 25, 2021behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations Podcast, stock market, How to invest, investor emotion, ethereum, Block Chain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrencies, Crypto, Bitcoins, Decentralized Finance, DeFi
Maxine Gray - Investing Sustainably Daniel CrosbyOctober 15, 2020behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, Maxine Gray, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations, Standard Deviations podcast, stock market, How to invest, investor emotion, sdgs, sustainable development goals, sdg, United Nations, UN, UN Goals, sustainable investing, environmentalism, sustainability, values based investing, value based investment, stakeholder capitalism, shareholder capitalism