Lindsey Lewis - Women and Money Daniel CrosbyApril 11, 2024women and money, women and investing, women in finance, women and finance, women and investment, women in investment, women investors, women in investing, financial concerns for women, feminism, lindsey lewis, dr, dr. daniel crosby, Standard Deviations Podcast, the soul of wealth, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, BeFi, behavioral science, behavioral change, behavioral coaching, Behavioral Finance, how to invest, investing 101, gender pay gap, gender inequality, gender and finance, gender equality
Nicole Casperson - Fintech is Femme Daniel CrosbyJuly 13, 2023Standard Deviations Podcast, fostering diversity, diversifying, diversity, filipino, fintech is femme, Dr. Daniel Crosby, influencer culture, influencers, finfluencers, finfluencer, financial podcast, financial planning, financial planner, inclusivity, filipino food, behavioral finance, BeFi, representation, investing 101, how to invest, women in investment, women in investing, women in finance, women investor, women investors, women and investing, women and finance, financial concerns for women, wome, pay gap, gender inequality, gender equality, gender and finance, gender pay gap, authenticity, brand authenticity, lgbtq, marketing and authenticity, marketing, Nicole Casperson, podcasting, orion wealth tech, orion advisor solutions, The Laws of Wealth, Diversification
Samantha Lamas - The Complicated Art of Making Things Simple Daniel CrosbyJuly 28, 2022behavior change, encouraging behavioral change, encouraging behavior change, behavioral change, behavioral training, behavioral hacks, behavioral IQ, behavioral trainier, behavioral coaching, BeFi, Behavioral Finance, Standard Deviations, Standard Deviations Podcast, investment podcast, financial podcast, investment 101, Samantha Lamas, behavioral research, setting goals, achieving your goals, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Behavioral Investor, The Laws, the laws, equitable investing, esg, esg investment, behavioral researcher, women in finance, women and finance, women and investing, women and investment, goal setting, befi, risk tolerance, risk aversion, RTQ, risk tolerance questionnaire, psychology and money, behavioral intervention, behavioral interventions, behavioral science, how to change behavior, psychology of the stock market, psychology of the market, psychology of markets, yahoo finance, How to invest
Emilie Hill - “The Market is Uncertainty Distilled” Daniel CrosbyNovember 18, 2021creative destruction, existentialism, existential philosophy, wellness, existentialist, active investing, active management, passive investing, passive management, active vs. passive, loss aversion, uncertainty in the markets, market uncertainty, passive portfolios, active portfolios, women and investing, women in investment, women and investment, women and finance, financial concerns for women, volatility, volatile markets, market volatility, market history, market cycles, active vs. passive investing, financial wellness, financial training, financial trainer, financial podcast, financial literature, behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics, history of behavioral economics, behavioral coaching, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, The Laws of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor, investing, investment, investor psychology, psychology of investing, Standard Deviations, Standard Deviations podcast, Stock Market, How to invest, investor emotion, yahoo finance
Kelly Eng & Lynsey Freeman - Women and Investing Daniel CrosbyFebruary 26, 2021women and finance, gender equality, gender and finance, gender inequality, the wealth gap, confidence gap, wealth gap, women and investing, women and investment, Standard Deviations, Standard Deviations podcast, Daniel Crosby, Dr. Daniel Crosby, psychology of investing, investor psychology, behavioral finance, behavioral investing, behavioral psychology, Behavioral Finance, The Behavioral Investor, behavioral economics